NES runs an IV Sedation course twice a year with a maximum of 16 participants per course. The course is open to NHS GDS, Private and PDS dentists.
To equip dentists with the knowledge and skills required to provide IV sedation as an operator / sedationist within their own practice setting.
IV Sedation Training
GDPs will have to attend an additional day of Sedation Based Medical Emergencies
Final Case Based Discussion Day
General Dental Practitioners will attend 4 days attracting 24 hours vCPD and the maximum 6 sessions of CPDA. The fee for the course will be £580.00
Public Dental Service dentists will attend 3 days, attraction 18 hours vCPD. Salaried dentists are not eligible for CPDA payments. The course fee will be £460.00. If a PDS dentist wishes to attend the medical emergencies course then their course fee would be the same as a that for GDS dentists.
Forms you will need throughout your course
Type: Resource List