Service improvement pillar

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Learning activities to support the service improvement pillar of the support worker framework

Service improvement : making things even better
Interesting in learning more about service improvement?

The learning activities in this unit are designed for self-study, reflection and taught sessions.  There are three sections and a supporting workbook to record your learning in.   

Over three sections, we will introduce you to the knowledge and skills you need to:
1.    Support improvements in your workplace
2.    Understand and apply the stages of the Quality Improvement journey
3.    Use the Model for Improvement within your workplace

We have produced a guidance document with top tips to help you get started and navigate round the learning units. Download the guide or watch the recording from support worker virtual learning week 2022 'Making things better' which showcases the learning activities and how to get the best out of them.  

IMPORTANT:   You need to log into your Turas Learn account to view and access the leearning modules.  This content will not load with Internet Explorer, as it is no longer supported by the authoring tool. You can access this content on a browser like Chrome or Firefox. 

Access the learning units from the links below:

Service Improvement activities
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