Ageing Patient

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Welcome to this blended learning module on the delivery of oral care for the ageing patient, primarily focusing on the delivery of domiciliary dental care. Here you will find the learning content and resource links for Dental Core trainees (DCTs) to support the live interactive session. It is recommended you familiarise yourself with these learning resources prior to the live online session.

Certain video links are open only to those within the pre-defined DCT1 learning group for the relevant Public Dental service (PDS) training cohort. Please contact the team email  if you have any queries about this.   

Ageing Patient : Delivering oral care for the ageing population


This blended learning module will introduce DCT1s to topics related to the provision of dental care for the growing numbers of older people in the population. The implications of more patients retaining natural teeth into older age along with complexities of providing treatment, will be explored, including assessing the need for care on a domiciliary basis, and how this should be carried out.

Learning outcomes

Following completion of this learning event, the participant should be able to:

  1. Discuss the challenges posed in providing dental care for an ageing population.
  2. Discuss issues that should be taken in to account when planning dental treatment for older people.
  3. Consider indications for treatment on a domiciliary basis and plan appropriately for providing domiciliary dental care.
Younger female in a blue t-shirt rests her hands on arm and shoulder of elderly female sitting down, wearing a blue floral print shirt. They both look into each other's eyes and are smiling


Development Outcomes:

1) (A) Effective Communication

2) (C) Knowledge & Skills Development

3) (D) Maintaining Patient Confidence

Introductory video


The content of this video will be discussed at the live session, so please ensure that you view this in advance.

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act (2000)


This video discusses the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act (2000). At the live session it is not anticipated we will discuss this Act in great detail however as a clinician you should have an awareness of what the act entails and how this will influence the provision of treatment for those adult patients who lack capacity. Please note the link takes you to the CPD page for the AWI course. You would be expected to watch the 'Introduction to Adults with Incapacity' video only

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Additional Resources


The content of this domiciliary visit video will be discussed at the live session, so please ensure that you view this in advance. Please note this resource was recorded pre-COVID.

Consider the following questions and be prepared to discuss at the live event. Making notes will help to facilitate discussion.

What has improved in the ‘Let’s try again’ section?

Again, please think of these in relation to the different domains.

Which errors/ sub-optimal practice occurred in the ‘How not to do it’ section?

Think about these in relation to communication, clinical and organisational skills as well as professionalism.