Essential learning modules

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Please note, you must log in to Turas to view the eLearning modules below.

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These 7 eLearning modules have been created to enhance the induction and development of new non-Executive Board Members.

  1. Finance and NHS Scotland
  2. Effective Audit and Risk
  3. Active Governance Programme
  4. Equality and the role of board members in meeting the public sector duty
  5. Blueprint for Good Governance : functions and enablers
  6. Delivering the Blueprint for Good Governance
  7. Succession Planning for Appointed Board Members

As of the 1st April 2021, the National Whistleblowing Standards have come into effect. Two eLearning modules have been created to assist those in the NHS to understand their responsibilities around Whistleblowing.

In these modules you will learn about the National Whistleblowing Standards (the Standards) and the role of the Independent National Whistleblowing Officer (INWO).

Access these modules here.




We are always looking to improve our services and resources.

Please fill in this evaluation form when you have completed a module.