There are a range of opportunities at different levels for staff looking to develop or enhance their knowledge and skills in quality improvement.
There are programmes for all staff, and for those who would like teams to improve their services.
The aim of SIFS is to support individuals to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to participate as members of improvement teams and contribute to testing, measuring and reporting on changes made.
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The aim of SCLIP is to develop coaching, leadership and improvement skills in core managers who lead at least one team. These managers will then be able to help embed improvement strategies within their organisations.
Access information on the programme.
The Scottish Improvement Leader (ScIL) Programme is a key part of Scotland’s innovative approach to address increasing demands across our public services by developing QI capacity and capability.
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The Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship Programme (SQS Fellowship) is a lead level quality improvement and clinical leadership course managed by NHS Education for Scotland working in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland and NHSScotland.
Access information on the programme.
Check the Quality Improvement Zone for more information.