Welcome to the COVID-19 Vaccinators pages. You will find a range of educational resources and information to help support vaccinators at all levels of experience and those supporting the programme.
Please note: These educational resources continue to be updated as required to support this programme but do not replace the clinical judgement of practitioners. Practitioners should refer to the UK Health Security Agency Green Book Chapter when administering the vaccine.
The following sections appear on this page:
This section contains learning resources on core aspects of the COVID-19 immunisation programme. Topics include: What is COVID-19?, legal aspects of COVID-19 vaccination including informed consent, COVID-19 Vaccine development and adverse event reporting
This section contains learning in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines currently available for use. Topics covered include contraindications and precautions, safety and efficacy, administration, dose and schedule and administration of specific COVID-19 vaccines
The resources contained within this page have been developed to support those involved with vaccinating women who are pregnant or of child bearing age with the COVID-19 vaccine.
This section contains documents for vaccinators to record the learning they have undertaken and to support assessment of proficiency in practice
This impact evaluation concentrates on the workforce education resources related to COVID-19 vaccination.
COVID 19 Workforce Education Development - Impact Evaluation -March 2024
COVID 19 Workforce Education Development - Impact Evaluation- Summary Report-March 2024
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These resources may be available, in full or summary form, in alternative formats and community languages. Please contact NHS Education for Scotland on 0131 656 3200 or email altforms@nes.scot.nhs.uk to discuss how we can best meet your requirements.
Transcripts of any videos within these resources are available on request