Dental Nurse Modern Apprenticeship

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Information and Resources for Modern Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing

What is a Modern Apprenticeship?

Modern Apprenticeships offer those aged over 16 in paid employment the opportunity to train and work towards a vocational qualification.

The trainee dental nurse will undertake:

The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) & Professional Development Award (PDA) in Dental Nursing.

In addition, trainees will evidence the five SQA Core Skills Units as they progress through the Modern Apprenticeship programme:

  • Communication
  • Working with Others
  • Problem Solving
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Numeracy

Upon successful completion, the trainee will be able to register with the General Dental Council (GDC). 


Dentist and Two Dental Nurses providing impression for a patient in the dental chair.
Course/Programme Information

NES offers Dental Nurse Training programmes across each of their five sites: Inverness, Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. This is a blended learning programme where three sites; Dundee, Glasgow, and Inverness this year are offering a choice of nineteen online study days and one in person training day at the dental education centre or fourteen online study days and six in person training days at the dental education centre. These three sites are piloting the new option of attending one in person training day. The Aberdeen and Edinburgh programme is fourteen online study days and six in person training days at the dental education centre Study days are full days, on a fortnightly frequency. 

The online application process for these programmes will be open for a limited time on an annual basis.

Guidance on Application Process for the Pre-Registration Dental Nurse Training Programme

NES will provide an opportunity within a defined period to enable trainee dental nurses employed in a dental environment to apply to undertake the pre-registration Dental Nurse training programme which commences annually. 

Roles and Expectations

NES would like to clarify the roles and expectations to undertake the Dental Nurse Programme:
•    Candidates must be employed as a trainee dental nurse providing chairside support for a minimum of 15 hours per week during a variety of dental procedures throughout the training programme.
•    Off the job training is the responsibility of NES.
•    On the job training is the responsibility of the Employer and their representative.
•    Employers must pay their trainees for off the job training; this means that they must be paid for the programme study days whether attending training virtually or in person.
•    NES will honour any pre planned holidays which are planned before the course commences and if NES are notified promptly upon course commencement.  Any other holidays during the programme must not be authorised by employers if they are on a planned study day. 
•    Candidates must be allowed to attend off the job training.  As the course is very fast paced failure to attend is a distinct disadvantage to the trainee and can prevent them from progressing.
•    All absences are notified to all relevant parties. 

Roles and Responsibilities of all parties, NES, Trainee and Employer will be further detailed within the ‘Educational Agreement’ during the registration process.

Further information about the Modern Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing

NHS Education for Scotland (NES) with Skills Development Scotland (SDS), provides the Modern Apprenticeship (MA) in Dental Nursing in line with the requirements of the SDS Quality Assurance and Improvement Framework.

Modern Apprenticeships combine a qualification with on-the-job experience. It allows apprentices to gain a recognised qualification certified by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and earn a wage while learning. The Modern Apprenticeship consists of both on and off the job training

English Language Competence

English Language Competence

To practise safely in the UK, all dental professionals must have the necessary knowledge of English.

The GDC require that members of the dental team are sufficiently fluent in written and spoken English to communicate effectively with patients, their relatives, the dental team and other healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom.’ Communication is speaking, reading, writing and listening.

1 3. The Standards for the Dental Team also highlight the need for dental professionals to be able to document their work clearly and accurately. If dental professionals do not have the necessary knowledge of English, they are unlikely to fulfil these requirements. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support


Guidance for apprentices to support their own mental health and wellbeing.



Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protected adults and protect them from harm. The protection of children and vulnerable adults is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting the individual identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm which includes safeguarding individuals from being drawn into terrorism, ensuring those vulnerable to extremist and terrorist narratives are given appropriate advice and support at an early stage. This is known as Prevent and is no different to any other form of safeguarding from harm.

Online training module: Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation | Prevent duty training

Support for Employers

Support For Employers Delivering Apprenticeships

This guidance has been written specifically for the employers who support apprentices.  We want to encourage employers to become more involved in the development and delivery of the learning apprentices need to successfully complete their qualifications.  Use this guidance to deliver more successful apprenticeships and increase the benefit to your organization.

Contact us



Contact details for Lead DCP Tutors for further support. 

If you require more information please send an email to our DCP Hub.