Planning for online delivery

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There are a number of things you should consider if your training will be delivered online, remotely or virtually. See below for advice on:

Please note this site is in development and resources are currently being reviewed [Last updated: 19 May 2022]

Designing learning

The below Sways provide guidance on designing and delivering different kinds of learning

These resources were created by NHS Education for Scotland. It assumes a certain level of familiarity with educational concepts. Recommendations are based on a NES 'default' approach. Please note policies and procedures of other organisations may differ. You should always double check the preferred approach with the relevant team(s) in your organisation (e.g. this may include IT, Information Governance, eHealth and/or Learning and Development departments).

Training and facilitation skills

Think about your learners and the outcomes you want them to achieve. The below resouces will help you think about and plan for:

  • Developing Trainer/Facilitator skills
  • Supporting learners with equipment and digital skills
  • Making sure both are prepared to deliver or take part in online training 

Guidance: transferring face to face training online
Remote Facilitation: a rough guide

Train the trainer toolkit [in development]


Choose your tool and set up your training based on the needs you have identified.
Assign roles and responsibilities then schedule rehearsals and practice with speakers, organisers and facilitators.

Prepare attendees as much as possible and provide clear and detailed instructions. Make sure to consider issues of accessibility and inclusion so everyone can participate. The below links provide technical guidance for MS Teams and a questionnaire template which enables you to ensure appropriate supports and resources are in place to assist your learners.

Suggested wording

Pre-training email template for attendees

Please complete this short survey to let us know if you are ready to participate in the _______________ (training/education/course/programme) and if there are any accessibility issues that we should be aware of. The information will help us to identify any support requirements

Disclaimer: technical/digital requirements

To enable smooth running of the upcoming session(s), please find attached for your attention: [any preparatory materials e.g. joining instructions]

Please test in advance that your internal firewalls allow access to * MS Teams, GoTo, Questback [add to or delete as needed] and that your WiFi/Broadband can support audio and video. Your IT/technical department should be able to support this further.

We recommend that you join using a * computer (PC) or laptop. Note that you may not have full functionality on a tablet or smartphone [add to or delete as needed]. If you are accessing for the first time on your device, we have prepared some helpful hints and tips for you to ensure you can run smoothly and efficiently.

Helpful hints and tips

  • Check that all the equipment is working correctly on the * computer (PC), laptop or mobile device [add to or delete as needed] you will be using on the day
  • We recommend that you plug a headset or headphones into the device before logging on to cut down on background noise
  • Make sure you are in a quiet place
  • Log in to the webinar 10-15 mins prior to the start so you can check your audio connection in advance
  • Make sure your browser is up to date. Google Chrome is preferred for some software

If you are not sure about any of the above or your ability to participate, please contact us [contact details]. We will do our best to support you.

  • Suggested pre-training checklist for educators providing technology enhanced learning when training and education must be delivered online or remotely. Designed to be used before a training session to prepare. Created in collaboration with the NES...

Planning Breakouts

This is an element of face to face training which you may want to replicate online.

  • Choose a tool based on what you need
  • Plan technical set up requirements
  • Practice
  • Think about what outputs you will need to record

NHSS M365 Skills Hub: Using Teams to deliver training remotely

Conducting online training

Plan for:

  • Housekeeping - take a few minutes for layout and ground rules
  • Accessibility - highlight features of the tool you are using
  • Regular breaks - chunk information, summarise regularly and pause for questions
  • Engagement - build in ways to engage your audience and be clear how to ask questions
  • Suggested checklist for educators providing technology enhanced learning when training and education must be delivered online or remotely. Designed to be used with your team, including facilitators, admin and business support during a training...


As part of your planning, you should think about where and how you will share materials once the training is complete.
This may include slides, handouts, videos or transcripts.
Keep in mind accessibility of tools like Microsoft Stream or YouTube

  • Suggested post-training checklist for educators providing technology enhanced learning when training and education must be delivered online or remotely. Designed to be used after a training session for follow up actions and improvements for...

Summaries of evidence

Summarised findings of literature searches which include

  • Evidence for effectiveness of remote training
  • Good practice from a range of sources
  • Evidence of effectiveness of interactivity
  • A summary of the findings of a literature search on how training can be delivered online. The question asked for this review was: What evidence is there on how interactive group-based training involving interpersonal skills (e.g. therapist...

  • A summary of the findings of a literature search on digital capability in the health sector. The question asked for this review was: How is ‘digital capability’ defined in the health sector literature; and what evidence is there on the need for,...

  • A summary of the findings of a literature search on mobile learning in the health sector. The question asked for this review was: Is learning via mobile devices (phones/tablets) as effective as other forms of learning for healthcare...


If you have any questions about the information or resources on this page, please email: