Telephone triage : how experienced nurses reach decisions

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Bernard Edwards RGN BSc(Hons) DipN RNT; Joumal of Advanced Nursing, 1994, 19, 717-724. The purpose of this study was to elicit the components of diagnostic reasoning utilized by experienced triage nurses when making triage dispositions via the telephone. Five first‐level nurses triaged two simulated calls portrayed by the author. The resultant interactions were recorded on an answer‐phone and subsequently replayed to the relevant participant. The tape was stopped after each question or comment made by the nurse who was then asked to say what she was thinking at the time. These verbalizations were audio‐taped, transcribed and subjected to analysis using grounded theory.

Published: 27/10/2016

Type: Web link

Audience: Medicine (audience); Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (audience)

RightsCopyright: Copyright © 2018 Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

CC License: Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives Creative Commons License

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