As part of ongoing work to help develop accessible, affordable and sustainable education and training, the Remote and Rural Healthcare Educational Alliance (RRHEAL) sought to explore the specific education and training priorities for rural Advanced Nurse Practitioners (rural ANP). This was in the context of persistent enquiries from territorial NHS Boards seeking efficient routes to both develop and maintain the knowledge and skills of such staff. NHS Highland developed an inventory of education and clinical skills needs in the context of rural ANPs. With helpful permission, RRHEAL further developed this inventory into two skills matrices for:
Core education needs of ANPs
Specific Paediatric education needs
Published: 01/02/2017
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES);Remote and Rural Healthcare Education Alliance (RRHEAL)
Type: Document
Audience:General audience; Medicine (audience); Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (audience)
CC License:Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives