Ensuring that all referrals to secondary care (including advice and patient-led referrals) are triaged by a senior clinical decision maker to evidence-based, locally agreed pathways after reviewing all the appropriate electronic patient records. The options include virtual attendance, giving patients clinical information and allowing them to opt-in, ordering investigations, placing on a waiting list for a procedure / surgery and face-to-face (F2F) appointments.
An ACRT Toolkit been produced to help NHS Boards implement their ACRT and PIR requirements. A PDF version of the toolkit is available to download below.
Case studies from services across Scotland detailing their experience of implementing ACRT.
The following advice is offered to services to alleviate patients’ anxiety and to identify those in greatest need of ongoing planned care. Please download the document below.
For support with ACRT and PIR or with any of the above, please contact:
Margaret Wood, National Improvement Advisor, Modernising Patient Pathways Programme
Lech Rymaszewski, Clinical Advisor, Modernising Patient Pathways Programme
To contact the MPPP/SAC team, please email us at gjnh.cfsdmpppsac@nhs.scot.