Human rights

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This collection of resources gives guidance on human rights issues.


In October 2023, NES welcomed Cathy Asante (Scottish Human Rights Commission) and Rob Priestley (Scottish Government) for a learning session on human rights. The session included:

  • an introduction to some key concepts around human rights;
  • an overview and discussion of recent developments in human rights in Scotland;
  • what ‘taking a human rights based approach’ means and how this applies to health and social care; and
  • a question and answer session.

Acknowledgement: Shaurna Dickson provided British Sign Language interpreting (visible in the recording for the question and answer session). Please note this was kindly done live without advance view of the presentation content.

  • This site, from the Equality and Human Rights Commission, provides an introduction to human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, and International Human Rights instruments.

  • Care about Rights is an online training resource developed by the Scottish Human Rights Commission for the care sector. This training course is intended to allow everybody who is involved in care home and care at home/housing support services...

  • The Human Rights Act 1998 sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that everyone in the UK is entitled to. This site, from the Equality and Human Rights Commission, explains each of the rights (known as Articles) in the Human Rights Act.

  • This leaflet from the Scottish Human Rights Commission will introduce you to essential concepts in a human rights based approach to planning and delivering services. It describes the PANEL principles (Participation, Accountability,...

  • The Rights in Mind pathway, developed by the Mental Welfare Commission of Scotland, is designed to help staff in mental health services ensure that patients have their human rights respected at key points in their treatment. The site includes...