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This page is for people interested in developing clinical skills through simulation-based education.

If you are looking for maternity and neonatal clinical skills training look at the Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme (SMMDP) here Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme (SMMDP) | Turas | Learn (

CPD & career development

Video Series - Using simulation to develop clinical skills

Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) use simulation-based learning in various ways to support clinical skills development. Here are some examples.

eLearning module

The clinical skills we use daily are vital to providing high quality health and social care services. We’ve designed this interactive module to help health and social care staff consider their range of clinical skills across the Four Pillars of Practice and helps to identify areas of further skills development.

Clinical skills resources for practitioners and educators

If you are interested in becoming more involved with using simulation-based learning to enhance clinical skills then these introductory resources are for you.

Simulation based education scenarios for non-technical skills resources
Observational marker system for non-technical skills

To access the Non-technical skills structured observational marker system checklists, please email