Quality Improvement Activity

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2022-2025 Cycle

The 2022-2025 Quality Improvement Activity Cycle is now live.  You will need to complete the following 3 tasks:

Team-Based Reflection

Equality and Diversity Module

Completion of a practice-level workforce census

A Learning Programme has been set up to help you check off each of the above tasks, upon completion eligible Dentists can claim their Quality Improvement Payment.  Certificates are provided for each component of the Learning Programme, these should used for the 2022-25 QI Cycle only and not to be used as verifiable CPD.

1) Team-Based Reflection

The first part of fulfilling the 2022 – 2025 Quality Improvement Cycle is a team-based reflection on practices’ implementation of Dental Payment Reform.

The purpose of this exercise is for practices to reflect on ways in which the introduction of the new determination one will enable your team to further improve the quality of care provided to patients. This exercise provides practices with a reflective framework which will guide the development of a practice action plan.

All members of the dental team should contribute to the reflection, including non-clinical members of the team such as practice receptionists and managers. The recommended format for carrying out the reflection is in the form of a practice meeting.

Once the reflection has taken place, a summary report of the reflection should be entered into the Microsoft Forms using the framework provided in the Learning Programme. Only one report should be submitted per practice.

Team-Based Reflection Framework

To assist, here is a PDF that you can download, you can use this as a working document for your practice meeting.

Recommended themes for the team to explore include but are not limited to:

  • Engaging with patients about reform
  • Recall intervals and Risk Assessments
  • Prevention and Periodontal Care
  • Removal of occasional items of treatment
  • Implications for the practice or business (as appropriate)
  • Practice Management Systems
  • Training and supporting members of Dental Team
  • More clinical discretion
  • The change from “secure and maintain the dentition” to “management of the oral health of the patient”.
2) Equality and Diversity Module

Link available within Learning Programme

3) Completion of a practice-level workforce census

This will be sent to your practice generic email address seperately, please check that your Practice has submitted the census before ticking this box

Previous Cycles

If you have outstanding Quality Improvement Requirements from Previous Cycles or require Information on Quality Improvement Projects for Mandatory Training, Vocational Training Equivalence or other Practice Improvement Projects, the Previous Cycles pages will assist you

Previous Cycles