Vaccine specific training resources for registered practitioners relating to shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccination Programme.
To further support the Shingles immunisation programme in Scotland from September 1st, 2024, NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Public Health Scotland has revised the resources for healthcare practitioners. These can be found below and include training slides and accompanying notes.
Please note: These educational resources continue to be updated as required to support this programme but do not replace the clinical judgement of practitioners. Practitioners should refer to Immunisation Against Infectious Disease, the Green Book: Chapter 28a, Shingles (Herpes Zoster) when administering the vaccine.
CMO letter update on 11th February SHINGLES VACCINATION PROGRAMME 2024/25 – ENDURING OFFER
The resource is available as a read only training power-point presentation, to open click “read only” when prompted. The resource is also available in PDF form, displaying the slides and notes.
PowerPoint Slide Set- Read only
PDF Slides with notes Shingles Vaccination Programme An update for registered healthcare practitioners 2024/25 Programme (1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025)
Practitioners may find it useful to access this Shingles Vaccine Eligibility by Age Calculator Tool for the age-based cohorts to aid identification of those eligible based on their age.
Enter date of birth to confirm eligibility by age, other eligibility criteria, for example immunosuppression will not be ascertained using this tool and practitioners should access the Green Book chapter for further detail on these criteria.