NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Who is this intended for? Managers who are driven to develop as leaders while being catalysts for shaping a positive and engaging work environment. What is the intention of the series? The series will explore different elements of Authentic Leadership in particular self-awareness and self-regulation. Each session will present research and practical tools to help apply the concepts discussed. Webinar 2: Coping with constant change, pressure and ambiguity The intention of the second webinar is to give participants an understanding of how the practice of Authentic Leadership can help them deal with the challenges of their day-to-day working environment. What you will get out of the session? • An ability to recognise a different way to deal with change, pressure and ambiguity through the lens of Authentic Leadership • A range of tools that you can apply in the workplace About the presenter Laura Kinsler is the founder of Yellow Owl Consulting, a company focused on enhancing well-being
Published: 06/04/2017
Type: Web link
Audience: General audience