ScIL Cohort 10
Aim: To have 95% of clinically appropriate patients to be up and dressed by 12 noon daily within Station 14 UH Ayr by June 2018
Aim - From October 2017 – April 2018, 12 social work practitioners will complete genograms on 80% of all newly allocated cases.
By the end of May 2018 90% of major trauma patients who arrive in Dr Gray’s Hospital and Gilbert Bain Hospital have an agreement to be transferred to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (if appropriate) and the transfer arrangements are in place within 10...
Aim Within Cardiology our aim is to go 300 days without an adverse event that includes deterioration as a causal factor.
Aim: By July 2018 100% of patients will have a 4AT assessment completed if they are showing potential signs of delirium and if positive have elements of a delirium bundle completed
Aim - By March 2018, 30% of CYP aged 10 years and above, attending the GI service in RACH will receive an accurate diagnosis of a DGBI within the first appointment.
By 22nd April 2018 we will have increased the number of people engaging with occupational therapists by sharing their work in dementia, on twitter with over 1,000 followers.
AIM: 75% of participants in Breathing Apparatus Refresher training will complete feedback forms by December 2019.
Aim: The project aim was to introduce a reliable screening tool in Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (DRS) with 95% of eligible patients that raises awareness of physical activity guidelines and local opportunities by end March 2018.
Aim - 50% of 2222 calls in Ayr Hospital will be followed by a team debrief utilising a debrief tool by June 2018
To increase the number of rapid improvement projects started in the Scottish Ambulance Service to 4 per month by March 31st 2018.
Aim By end of June 2018, increase the percentage of young people ready to transition from the care of Crisis Outreach Team at the end of the planned 6 week treatment period from 25% to 50%
Aim: To reduce the number of follow-up appointments for patients with eye freckles in the Belfast Trust to one per patient through discharge to Optometry Community Care by 25% by 1st September 2018
Aim Aim is to achieve 30 days between incidence of acquired avoidable grade 2 and above tissue damage within Ward 53 Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow by May 2018
Aim: By 1st April 2018, we will reduce the number of times an ‘at risk’ patient in Ward 4A (Fracture & Acute Orthopaedics) is incorrectly repositioned by 50%
Aim:To facilitate an organisational wide Safety Brief taking no more than 15 minutes which is multidisciplinary, focused on delivering safe patient care and effective Patient Flow by end of March 2018.
AIM: By June 2018, 80% of clients supported by the Mental Health Local Area Co-ordinator (LACMH) service will have outcomes measured at assessment.
Aim: By March 2018 inspectors in Adults Inspection Team 5 will complete a Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI 2) during inspections in care homes for older people from 60% of inspections to 98% of inspections.
Aim: By May 2018, 90% of all adverse events reported will have the appropriate level of review and 100% of serious adverse events (graded major harm or death) will have a full review and improvement plan in place
Our Aim: To increase the percentage of appropriate admissions from the Emergency Department to the Coronary Care Unit, University Hospital Ayr to 80% by 31st March 2018
Aim That 95% of patients find it easy to access audiology at Lauriston building by June 2018. (patients attending for the 1st time)
Aim To increase GP appointment capacity in Burnbrae Practice, Shotts Health Centre by 10% by 30th June 2018.
Project Aim: By March 2018: Three nurses within NHS 24 Cardonald Centre would achieve the 90% KPI for the effective metric: 'Identify action already taken‘
Addressing the waiting list for lumbar nerve root and facet joint injections in the Belfast Trust.
Aim Reduce the length of inpatient stay by 1 day for patients receiving rehabilitation within St John’s Hospital by April 2018.
Aim: Increase average use of the online learning network by 20% by March 2018 to maximise knowledge exchange and share learning real-time.
Aim: To increase the use of a new single referral route into low secure and forensic services to 80% in NHS Ayrshire and Arran, by March 2018.
Aim: By 1st September 2018, we aim to ensure that 80% of calls passed from Police Scotland will have a reporter’s telephone number or police airwave radio number recorded in the call note field.
Aim: To increase attendance at PMVA refresher training by nursing staff within the State Hospital to 95% by 1 April 2018.
Aim and Driver Diagram By April 2018, improve patient experience of team-based care by 80% multimorbidity at the Integrated Chronic Care Service.
The aim of the project is for 100% of post discharge core groups to produce learning points which are shared across the teams in the network with 90% of staff aware of how to access them by May 2018