National IV Fluid Improvement Programme

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The purpose of the National IV Fluid Programme is to improve clinical care and reduce artificial variation in how we manage patients who require intravenous fluid therapy.

There is substantial evidence and indeed NICE Guidelines that have been available for many years yet when we look at fluid prescription and indeed application there remains considerable variation both within and across hospitals in Scotland. Through working with all NHS Scotland health boards, we aim to support implementation of standard guidance on fluid therapy and support this via education, training and data collection.

NHS Fife Guidance on IV Fluid and Electrolyte Prescription in Adults

NHS Fife launched Guidance in IV Fluid and Electrolyte prescription for adults, the 4th edition of this guidance is available by clicking on the NHS Fife logo. 


IV Fluid:  NICE Guidance (updated May 2017) Intravenous Fluid Therapy In Adults In Hospital - CG174

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