Patient Safety e-modules

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This section shows what training opportunities are available from NHS Education for Scotland on Patient Safety, including: Human Factors and Why things go wrong and right in complex systems.

Learning journey

Patient safety has been brought to the fore by the publication of a multitude of reports since the 1990’s, reports such as “To err is human” and more recently the enquiry into the failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust should have resulted in a step change in how unintended harm is viewed. Unfortunately, the misunderstanding of terms such as human error and violation have perpetuated in some, the notion that bad things happen because bad people are the cause, and if we can only mitigate and root out these bad individuals then our healthcare system will be improved and patient safety will improve.

To improve patient safety, it is necessary to go back to first principles and examine our own attitudes to unintended harm. What is the cause or causes of it? Can we ever eliminate it? How do we treat our colleagues when they are involved in unintended harm? How would we want to be treated if our everyday work resulted in unintended harm?

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