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This resource has been designed to support GP speciality trainees with guidance to secure visa sponsorship once they complete their training.

Professor Nitin Gambhir - Lead Dean Director, NHS Education for Scotland, provides a warm welcome to provide direction and encouragement for IMGs looking to secure their career in the NHS Scotland workforce.

Learn the value of IMGs to the NHS Scotland workforce and discover guidance tools to support securing visa sponsorship. 

A Welcome Letter from Prof Nitin Gambhir, Lead Dean Director, NHS Education for Scotland
Image of Professor Nitin Gambhir - Lead Dean Director, NHS Education for Scotland



Dr Nitin Gambhir FRCGP Dr Gambhir is the clinical lead for GP STEP and has been involved since its inception in 2015.

He is a GP in Glasgow, Assistant Director for PG GP Education, and STB Chair for General Practice. Dr Gambhir is an MRCGP Examiner.

“My areas of interest are Equality and Diversity, Differential Attainment and supporting International Medical Graduates.”

Prof Nitin Gambhir - Welcome to NHS Scotland
Welcome letter part one
Welcome letter part two