UNCRC - Webinar Series

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United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Webinar Series for the Health and Social Care Workforce.

UNCRC Webinar Series
Webinar icon, black outline person sat looking at a figure on a computer screen.  Blue and green speech bubbles.

Please scroll down the page to view resources or select your webinar choice to jump directly to your selected resources from the list below.

UNCRC - Seldom Heard Voices (Webinar One)

UNCRC - Participation (Webinar Two)

UNCRC - Seldom Heard Voices (Webinar One)
Webinar icon, black outline person sat looking at a figure on a computer screen.  Blue and green speech bubbles.

Enabling a culture of everyday accountability for children’s rights.  The Right to the Best Possible Health: Seldom Heard Voices

Webinar resources from the WCYPF UNCRC Webinar Series - Seldom Heard Voices, which was hosted on Wednesday 20 November 2024.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Article 24

Children and young people have the right to the best possible health. Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food, and a clean environment and education on health and wellbeing so that children can stay healthy.

This webinar aimed to:

  • Consider the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 and Article 24 for children, young people and their families, especially those who might be furthest away from their rights and therefore seldom heard. 


  • Provided an overview of the UNCRC in Scotland and article 24 within the context of health and social care.
  • Explored the challenges children and young people might face in accessing health information and/or health and social care services.
  • Considered the evidence from research, policy and practice.
  • Shared examples from practice which have a positive impact on children’s rights.

Target Audience:

  • All levels of Health and Social Care
Info icon.  Blue document shape with lines and an i in a blue circle.

Due to a technical issue with Microsoft Teams on the day of the live event, some delegates were unable to view the video recording or hear any sound of a pre recorded presentation.  As a result of the technical issue, the recording will be available for a short time below.  Apologies this was cut short on the day of the live event.

Listening to young carers - Putting words into  action in support of young carers rights: Getting it right for young carers can be a fine balance between their rights as children and young people and the rights they have as unpaid carers. Through this recording, young carers tell us what the health and social care workforce can do to support them to continue their caring role.

Please note that captions are available, which are automatically generated via Vimeo.

UNCRC - Participation (Webinar Two)
Webinar icon, black outline person sat looking at a figure on a computer screen.  Blue and green speech bubbles.

UNCRC Series: A Practical Guide to Participation

Webinar resources from the WCYPF UNCRC Webinar Series - Participation, which was hosted on Monday 02 December 2024.

This webinar offered participants a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively implement child participation in line with the UNCRC.  The session provided practical guidance, tools, and real examples to ensure children are meaningfully engaged within health and social care decision making.


  • Health Improvement Scotland community engagement team
  • Cathy McCulloch OBE, Director at Children's Parliament
  • Nick Targontsidis, Specialist Lead: UNCRC

Target Audience:

  • All levels of Health and Social Care
Info icon.  Blue document shape with lines and an i in a blue circle.