GP Trainer Development Course

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This one-day face-to-face course is designed for newly approved GP Educational Supervisors. This workshop is recommended for any Educational Supervisor who has just started supervising trainees and for those who have supervised 1-3 trainees but would like to build confidence in the role.

Learning aims:
This course is aimed at helping new Educational Supervisors, or those who have supervised 1-3 trainees, to build confidence and experience in carrying out their new roles

Learning outcomes:
Consolidate learning for new GP Educational Supervisors once they have had a trainee. Help deal effectively with concerns or difficulties the new ES may have, in a safe supportive learning environment. Ensure the ES can recognise and reduce challenges specific to their own learning environment. Help increase confidence in recognising trainees with additional support needs. Increase overall confidence. Help the new ES comply with recommendations from their first GMC approval.

Type: Bookable course

Audience: General practitioner

Course fee: £175.00

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