Getting published month 2024

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A series of learning looking at all the aspects of getting published. Starting with research and ethics through to reference management software.

Research masterclass
In this excellent masterclass the team at Elsevier focus on how to identify the key elements Editors look for in a manuscript, and how to apply key strategies for drafting an original research article to increase its chances of getting published.

Delivered by Ximena Alvira MD, PhD who has more than 8 years’ experience in basic research and over 25 years working as a biomedical writer and editor.

Links mentioned during session

Recommendations for accurate reporting in medical research statistics. Mohammad Ali Mansournia and Maryam Nazemipour. Lancet, The, 2024-02-17, Volume 403, Issue 10427, Pages 611-612, Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

Graphs, Tables, and Figures in Scientific Publications: The Good, the Bad, and How Not to Be the Latter. Franzblau, Lauren E.; Chung, Kevin C., MD, MS. Journal of Hand Surgery. Published March 1, 2012. Volume 37, Issue 3. © 2012

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Scientific Writing, Reviewing and Editing? The Future is Here. Ron Gilat M.D. and Brian J. Cole M.D., M.B.A. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 2023-05-01, Volume 39, Issue 5, Pages 1119-1120, Copyright © 2023 Arthroscopy Association of North America

Artificial intelligence in scientific medical writing: Legitimate and deceptive uses and ethical concerns. Ramoni, Davide; Sgura, Cosimo; Liberale, Luca; Montecucco, Fabrizio; Ioannidis, John P.A.; Carbone, Federico. European Journal of Internal Medicine. Published September 1, 2024. Volume 127. Pages 31-35. © 2024

Publication, research and ethics
Your research plan is the foundation stone for getting published. Ensuring that this plan is ethical and in line with publishing policies and standards from the start will remove potential roadblocks when it comes to getting your manuscript published. In this session you will learn some of the key elements to consider when planning your research and how reproducibility and Open Science practices can increase your research's visibility and citation. 
  • Understand common pitfalls in publication research and ethics, including misuse of generative AI, and how to avoid them.
  • Discover more about reproducible research and how to design a research plan with reproducibility in mind.
  • Learn about ethical data sharing and how to prepare for sharing clinical data.

Presented by Dr Grainne McNamara Research integrity / Publication Ethics Manager for Karger Publishers.

Links mentioned during session

Registered reports and participating journals

For further references refer to presentation slides

Getting published - an overview of the process
Getting published can be a daunting if ultimately rewarding endeavour. This is often the experience for allied health professionals who are forced to navigate an unfamiliar culture and its associated processes. In this session Dr Martin Whiteford, Publisher Development Manager for Healthier Lives at Emerald Publishing, demystifies the publication journey and in doing so offer tips and tactics on getting published. More specifically, the session covers the following topics:
  • Finding the best journal to publish your work
  • Submission process
  • Publication process
  • Research integrity
  • Peer review process
  • Revisions, rejections, and acceptance
  • Post publication support
  • Archiving/institutional repositories
Submitting a case report to BMJ
This one hour session describes the history of this award winning journal, explains precisely the types of article BMJ Case Reports seeks to publish and the importance placed on online bedside learning. The session emphasises what to write, how to write and how to present images, diagrams and tables essential to learning and successful publication.

Delivered by Seema Biswas, editor-in-chief of BMJ Case Reports for over 10 years. She is a general surgeon. Her research interests are trauma, disaster management, the social determinants of health and global health.

Introduction to RefWorks
This RefWorks session covers the basic functionality, looking at the features you will use most frequently as you conduct your research. You'll learn how RefWorks can help you throughout your research workflow. Finding, saving, and organizing references is easy and efficient. The session mentions sharing your research and citing references in your writing takes just a few clicks. 

Presented by Claudia Prokopczuk, Lead Product Manager, RefWorks

RefWorks Citation Manager (RCM)
This RefWorks session covers features of RCM: how it works with your RefWorks references and how it helps when writing a research paper to supply citations and bibliographies.

Presented by Claudia Prokopczuk, Lead Product Manager, RefWorks

Getting Published 2023

What's it all about? The publishing process and what to think about

The purpose of this webinar is to give an overview of publishing- why publishing and disseminating research in medical journals is important and the impact of publications. The session discusses the different types of publications, the roles of editors in the publication process and the criteria that editors consider in manuscripts. Tips and advice on how to prepare an article before submitting to a journal are also provided.

Finding a home for your paper: Choosing a publisher and journal

This session provides an overview of how to write a research paper using the IMRaD structure and how to select a journal to publish the final manuscript. Topics include research and publication ethics, reporting guidelines, peer review systems, the Impact Factor, and open access vs. subscription journal models. The session includes a number of practical tips and tools that should make writing and publishing research articles easier for authors.

Copyright in NHS Scotland

This 20 minute session covers:  
- What is copyright and what does it mean for us
- Staying within the law
- Copyright exceptions and licencing
- Special considerations in creating training materials

What is Open Access?

This 30 minute session covers:
- What is Open Access publishing
- Changes to the publishing landscape
- Implications for getting published
- Support available from Knowledge Management and Discovery

Beginner's guide to referencing and plagiarism

This 30 minutes introductory session covers the basics of plagiarism and referencing including:
- What referencing and plagiarism are
- Why it is important to reference
- The basic concepts
- Referencing styles
- Things to remember when writing
- Introduction to reference management software

The authors view: General discussion panel session

General discussion and panel session looking at key points, top tips, and other considerations.
Paul Bowie, Jean Cowie, Laura Beaton and Leanne Nicklas share their knowledge and expertise in getting their work published.