Play the videos below to hear the cohort 15 Fellows share the projects they completed during the programme.
Medically Expected Patients in the Emergency Department
Dr Beth Walsh, SJH ED, Livingston
Improved learning from adverse events
Lena Sigurd, PHD
Consultant in Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Herlev Gentofte Hospital
Embracing change to address waiting times for Psychological Intervention
Dr Deborah Wilson, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Deputy Director of Psychological Services, NHS Lanarkshire
Reducing mechanical restraint in an Emergency Department, Australia
Daiv Lown, Emergency Physician, Melbourne, Australia
Electrical Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter with Midazolam Sedation
Thomas J. Guterbaum, Chief Physician, Dept. Cardiology, NSR Hospitals, Denmark
Redesign of Triage - Colorectal Service
Kerrie McClure, Business Manager Surgery / Regional Change Manager Plastic Surgery, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Root cause analyses after adverse events
Trond-Eirik Strand, Senior Adviser, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Same Day Acute care – Equity in pathway
Dr Darshan Kumar, Clinical Director, Acute Medicine Antrim area hospital
Cohort 15 poster - Carmel Darcy, Consultant Pharmacist (Older People) WHSCT
SQSF Cohort 15 poster - Dr Claire James, Head of Podiatry NHS Lanarkshire
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Contact: Clara Gram Gjesdal Deputy CEO Haukeland University Hospital
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Donna Robertson – Senior Nurse, Quality Improvement & Practice Development Team, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities, NHS Tayside
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Dr Eileen Capek, Department of Medicine for the Elderly, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow.
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Hannah Cairns, Chief Allied Health Professional, NHS Lothian
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Dr Helen Elder, Consultant Medicine for the Elderly, Clinical Director for Unscheduled Medicine, NHS Tayside
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Henriette Simone Petersen, CRNA, Clinical Nurse Specialist Anaesthesia, Kolding Hospital, Region of Southern Denmark
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Kirsty Brown, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, NHS Tayside
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Lene Hüche Nielsen, MD, PhD, Head of Ischemic Ward, Department of Cardiology Odense University Hospital
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Linda Hosen Djupos, Adviser, Nordland Hospital Trust, Norway
SQSF Cohort 15 Posters - Lynne Buttercase, Care Group Manager, NHS Tayside
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Marianne White, NHS Tayside
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Monique Sterrenburg, Consultant O&G, NHS Orkney
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Nirmala Mary, Obstetric Consultant, NHS Lothian
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Thomas Bailey Tysland, Neurologist, Stavanger University Hospital & Tor Inge Garvik, Head of Healthcare Quality Improvement, Laerdal Medical AS
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Vivienne Gough, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon & Same Day Admission Unit team, RAH, Paisley, Scotland
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Dr Aoibhin Hutchinson, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Regional Intensive Care Unit (RICU), Belfast Trust (BHSCT)
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Charlotte Ejersted, Consultant, Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Dr Douglas Coventry, Consultant Anaesthetist/Intensivist
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Gillian Evans, Assistant General Manager, Emergency Care & Orthopaedic Trauma, NHS A&A
SQSF Cohort 15 Poster - Dr Niall Campbell, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, Borders General Hospital