Remote and Rural Research and Evaluation National Stakeholder Group

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Remote and Rural Research and Evaluation National Stakeholder Group

National Network for Engagement and Knowledge Exchange on R&R Research and Evaluation in Scotland

Network Scope: The National Centre will facilitate a new national network for engagement and knowledge exchange on rural and remote health research and evaluation pertinent to the Scottish context. It will share models of excellence from Scotland and internationally. This network is open to anyone with an interest in the topic.

Network Mission: To establish a virtual network of national stakeholders interested in research and evaluation related to remote, rural or island contexts.

Network Vision: Our vision is to create a virtual network that will raise awareness of research and evaluation pertinent to the Scottish remote, rural and island context and function to provide peer support, the facilitation of new projects and platforms for sharing knowledge and findings. 

Network Goals:

  • To provide platforms and opportunities for sharing knowledge and findings
  •  To share models of excellence from Scotland
  • To increase awareness within Scotland of international models of rural health for potential implementation and evaluation within our remote and rural areas
  • To build research and evaluation skills among network members
  • To involve rural communities in the research and evaluation agenda
  • To create an online repository of research publications, case studies and toolkits
  • To provide resources and support for research design, data collection and analysis
  • To engage in policy dialogue and provide evidence for policy development
  • To develop position papers and policy recommendations
  • To facilitate collaborative research and evaluation projects focused on rural health topics within Scotland

Key Network Topics:

  • Access to healthcare
  • Healthcare inequalities
  • Workforce
  • Community engagement
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Telehealth and technology
  • Aging population
  • Healthcare infrastructure
  • Environmental and occupational health
  • Emergency and disaster preparedness
  • Long-term monitoring and evaluation
  • Data infrastructure and research collaboration

Get Involved: to receive news of network events and activities sign up to the National Centre Stakeholder Database and select the ‘Research & Evaluation’ option in the sign up form: National Centre for Remote and Rural Health and Care (