Refugee Employers Resource

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This resource uses the framework set out in the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy of Plan, Attract, Train, Employ, Nurture to offer providers of adult care in Scotland, advice and guidance for the recruitment of refugees and asylum seekers as part of their wider workforce planning, along with reflecting on the candidate journey into the organisation, so that retention becomes a key outcome.

In this resource
Refugee toolkit


This toolkit is designed to help organisations develop ethical and sustainable recruitment strategies that focus on person-centered care, in line with the workforce planning framework established by the Scottish government.

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About the resource

Adult social care should ensure people are living their best lives and maximizing their well-being as equal citizens.  The adult social care workforce is the cornerstone for realising this ambitionAchieving this requires a sustainable, skilled workforce with attractive career choices and fair work, where all are respected and valued for the work they do.

Recruitment and retention of the adult social care workforce is a priority across the sector and recruitment from the displaced talent pool (refugees and asylum seekers) offers one possible pipeline for addressing these workforce challenges.

To support adult social care organisations in Scotland that are considering recruiting refugees and asylum seekers, NHS Education for Scotland’s (NES) Centre for Workforce Supply (Social Care) Team has developed this resource which seeks to support providers of adult social care in Scotland with all the information they need to embed ethical and sustainable recruitment practices within their organisation by bringing together all the relevant information in one place.

Refugees and asylum seekers do not require a visa, and employers do not need a Sponsor Licence, unlike those engaged in international recruitment, as refugees (and some asylum seekers) already have permission to work in the UK, and are already residents in the UK.

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This resource will continue to grow, with new information and tools being added as they become available.  If there are tools or information you would like to see included, or you feel anything is missing, please contact