Information for Managers and Sponsors

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Information about the DLP for managers, leads and sponsors who support participants.

Benefits to the organisation

How could the programme benefit my team or organisation?

The DLP is designed to provide participants with the practical skills they need to deliver change in their organisation using technology as an enabler. This has huge potential benefits for teams and organisations including:

Woman presenting
  • The delivery of improvement projects which improve services and ways of working for staff and citizens
  • Team members who understand how to deliver transformation in a sustainable and user-centred way and have a good grasp of key areas such as quality improvement, data governance and change management.
  • Opportunities for networking beyond the immediate team which prevents duplication of efforts across the sector as well as personal development opportunities
  • Digital leadership talent is developed internally for the benefit of the organisation
Supporting participants
two people looking at a laptop

As a line manager or digital lead how can I support participants from my organisation who are undertaking the programme?

Line managers and digital leads are key to the success of the participants on the programme. You play an enabling role in the following ways:

  • Allow protected time for learning, attending sessions and working on a digital improvement project
  • Support to identify a digital improvement project which aligns with your organisation’s strategy
  • Open doors to enable to the project to progress
  • Linking the individual to any internal networks e.g. digital forums or networks
  • Provide mentoring support where needed
  • Provide shadowing opportunities to support learning and development
  • Considering the individual for future projects and roles following the programme to ensure they can continue to apply their skills and knowledge