Core psychological interventions for personality disorders and traits

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Welcome to the landing site for education and training in psychological interventions for staff working with Personality Disorder and Related Traits.

The Psychological Interventions team have focused on developing and supporting Systems training in Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving for Borderline Personality Disorder STEPPS 1 training. It is highly recommended by A guide to delivering Evidence Based Psychological Therapies in Scotland- The Matrix 2014. matrix_-_adultmentalhealthtables.pdf ( . The updated version of the Matrix The Matrix - Home ( in a Digital Platform and the Personality Disorder and Related Traits guidance is under development.

It is important to recognise the role of specialist personality disorder services within each board in developing and providing training which fits with the explicit and integrated theoretical approach used within the treatment team.

We shall continue to work collaboratively with boards and the National Improvement team to widen access to training opportunities and support implementation of training.

Training opportunities

Systems training in emotional predictability & problem solving: STEPPS training

Description: STEPPS is a 20-week Basic Skills Group based on the approach originally developed by Bartels and Crotty (1992) and adapted and revised by Blum, St John and Pfol (2002).  The acronym stands for Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving.  It is highly recommended by the Scottish govt. and NHS document “A Guide to Delivering Evidence Based Psychological Therapies in Scotland – The Matrix”.

This CBT skills training approach sees Borderline Personality Disorder as a disorder of emotion and behaviour regulation, and the programme aims to increase the common understanding of the disorder, and of the skills that can be developed to help cope with it, between the person themselves, their families and the professionals working with them.  Primarily it teaches emotion and behaviour management skills to replace maladaptive behavioural coping strategies with more effective ones; and alongside this it identifies key professionals, friends and family members to become the person’s reinforcement team who will help the individual to generalise the use of these skills.

Learning Outcomes: As a result of attending the training, the learners will have knowledge of the evidence base for STEPPS and will be confident in using the supplied resources in supporting clients and facilitating the programme.

Target Audience: Qualified mental health professionals who are trained in CBT or who are CBT informed (Day 1 - targets facilitators, managers and all other stakeholders. Day 2 - targets facilitators and reinforcers-those members of the multi-disciplinary team who make up the client’s system and support the implementation of the group)

You will require a Portal account to apply, please visit NHS Education for Scotland Portal to register. Please contact your local PTTC for training dates and information.

STEPPS resources : post training

Click on the link below to complete the application form to access training materials:

Please note: this can only be accessed if you have completed the 2-day interactive training.


1. Blum N, St. John D, Pfol B, Stuart S, McCormick B, Allen J, Arndt S, Black D [2008] Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving [STEPPS] for Outpatients with Personality Disorder: A randomized Controlled Trial and 1 -Year Follow-Up. American Journal of Psychaitry,165,468-478