Find out what data protection is and how you can keep your own personal information safe, as well as information about others that you may have access to as part of your role.
Format: eLearning
Duration: 4 minutes
Audience: Beginner
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: As you share files and details online, you need to know how to keep them safe. This lesson will help you to know how to keep your information safe online.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: Audience
Duration: 13 minutes
Audience: Beginner
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: When we use the internet, we are constantly sending and receiving information from various websites and individuals. We can take control of who is able to see that information, and how much information they can see. Internet privacy refers to the level of personal, private information we share. This course will help you understand more about privacy concerns.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: PDF document
Duration: 30 - 45 minutes
Audience: Beginners in NHS Scotland
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: The aim of this short guide is to highlight the top ten information security areas that NHS Scotland staff need to consider and to sign-post where you can go for further help.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: Webpage
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Audience: Beginners in Nursing
Account creation/sign in required: Yes (RCN login)
Description: Learn more about what information governance is and how it relates to the information about patients which is collected digitally. Find out why understanding information governance is so important and what the basic principles are.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: eLearning
Duration: 40 to 50 minutes
Audience: Beginners
Account creation/sign in required: Yes
Description: A short course on how to back up our data, and why it is important to do this to keep us safe online.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.