Oral health and psycho-social needs of Scottish prisoners and young offenders

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

In March 2005 the Scottish Executive Health Department published the ‘Action Plan for Improving Oral Health and Modernising NHS Dental Services in Scotland’ (Scottish Executive, 2005), setting out the response of the Scottish Executive to the two consultation documents, ‘Towards Better Oral Health in Children’ (Scottish Executive, 2002) and ‘Modernising NHS Dental Services in Scotland’ (Scottish Executive, 2003). Two of the main themes of the Dental Action Plan were to improve the oral health of the Scottish population and to identify specific priority groups of patients within the general population who would need additional support to maintain their oral health. Of the several population groups identified prisoners were highlighted as a group of individuals who required additional support to achieve and maintain their oral health.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Document

Audience: Dentistry (audience)