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Information regarding the application process including guidance, FAQs and who needs to support your application to the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme

Key dates

The AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme is now Closed. The closing date for applications was 12 noon, 17 October 2023.  

If you wish to register your interest in the next cohort, please complete the short online form.

Application guidance
aims and outcomes

Support to develop your application and write your learning outcomes 

The online module Writing Great Applications for Learning and Development Opportunities can be helpful to consider your areas for further development.(Please note you will need to have a Turas account and login to access this resource). 

For writing learning outcomes you can watch this video about constructing learning outcomes.

The NES NMAHP Development Framework can be used to help you plan your development across the Four Pillars of Practice.


Who needs to support my application?

Your application must be supported and approved by:

  1. Your own line manager
  2.  Your service manager and budget holder
  3. Your AHP Director (if you work in the NHS, an integrated health and social care team) or a Director/Associate Director level senior manager (if you work in a Local Authority)

Seeking support for your application from the people listed above is vital and can make a huge difference to your proposed Fellowship successfully progressing.

paper and pen

Guidance and Application Form

For more details about the Scheme, how it works, the review panel, timeframes and advice about completing the application form please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Guidance document below

Project themes

Themes for 2024-25 

Each year, the Scheme supports AHPs to contribute to the delivery of health and social care priorities and ambitions, this year we are particularly interested in projects that in some way address one of the three themes listed below: 

  1. Sustainability, which may be in the context of improving efficiencies in service provision; optimising the contribution of roles or optimal deployment of skills within teams to address workforce challenges; or addressing the climate emergency. 
  2. Mental Health and wellbeing, which may enable services to be able to support the mental health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland and our health and social care workforce.   
  3. Public health and Inequalities, which may support one of the Public Health Priorities for Scotland or address other local priorities. 

More information about these themes is available in the FAQs & Guidance document. 

We also remain open to applications about other strategies and priorities as usual. 

Discuss your ideas
informal discussion and feedback

It’s never too early to start discussing your work-based project ideas with your colleagues, team leader and, of course, with us.

We recommend that you email to set up a time for an informal chat.