Fellowship overview

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Overview of the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme including the programme structure, networking opportunities, details of participants commitments and Fellows feedback

Programme overview

If you are awarded an AHP Career Fellowship you will be part of a cohort of AHP Fellows funded by NHS Education for Scotland for up to 2.0 days per week to: 

  • participate in a learning programme delivered by NES and appointed facilitators
  • lead your own work-based project over 10-12 months to improve, change or develop AHP services. This can be in your own team, service, locality, organisation or region or as a national work-based project.
learning programme


The learning programme component will run from April to March. This will be approximately 6 days in total including:

  • an induction session (including information about managing work-based projects, what to expect from the rest of the Scheme, establishing Peer Learning Groups).
  • a series of workshop sessions delivered via MS Teams and some face-to-face (based on aspects of the 4 Pillars of Practice and will be built around the learning outcomes Fellows have outlined in their applications).
  • a consolitation learning/sharing event 

During this time you will also be undertaking your work-based project. The length of your project will vary depending on its scope and your work circumstances.

work-based project


Your work-based project should be something that:

  • you want to do, feel enthusiastic about and can evidence needs to be done
  • you’ve already discussed with, and sought buy in from, others who will need to be involved e.g. colleagues, your team, line manager, service heads and relevant others
  • is team, service, organisation or region wide. We’ll also consider national projects which can be achieved over 10 to 12 months
  • is innovative, is about change and development and/ or building on learning, not simply a continuation or expansion of existing service delivery
  • contributes to local or national strategy and priorities
  • demonstrates a clear career development opportunity for the applicant(s)
Networking opportunities


You will join a multidisciplinary cohort and make connections with peers from across Scotland.

You will be part of the NES AHP Careers Fellowship MS Teams Community and have the opportunity to become a member of the AHP Careers Fellowship Alumni community and be invited to alumni events to support your personal development.

peer support


Part of the Fellowship experience is peer engagement, support and learning from within the Cohort. Peer learning sets, facilitated by Fellows from the AHP Careers Fellowship Alumni, provide a further support and development opportunities for Fellows as they finalise their Fellowship and start to look at next steps for their projects and ongoing career development.

Fellow's commitment

AHP Careers Fellowship participants commit to the following elements:

  • Participate in the learning sessions and any self study
  • Engage with the NES AHP Careers Fellowship cohort MS Teams community
  • Devise, lead and implement a work-based project 
  • Share project impact and evidence with AHP Careers Fellowship community as well as nationally
  • Contribute to the AHP Careers Fellowship Scheme programme evaluation
  • Become a member of AHP Careers Fellowship Alumni and have the option to engage with the alumni's activities during and on completion of the Fellowship.

Mentorship and support

This is very important to support your learning as you lead your work-based project and participate in the programme.  You will enter into an agreement with someone locally who will act as support/mentor for you. NHS Education for Scotland will also identify a person at NES who will offer regular support and guidance.

Fellows feedback

Lynn Sheridan, Physiotherapst, NHS Tayside

Alastair Henderson, Speech and Language Therapist, NHS Lothian