Leadership and governance
Leadership and governance
Good governance and the systems and processes which support it, create an open and honest organisational culture led by compassionate and inclusive leaders. Enabling more resilient health systems.
As a leader, you will need to be accountable for good governance reaching and working across services. Transparency of decision making underpins these processes to support staff to deliver high quality safe care to patients and populations.
Some examples of how you might do this are:
Find out more about NHS leadership and culture from The Kings Fund paper. They also published an interesting report :The future of leadership and management in the NHS: No More Heroes. NHS Scotland have produced a blueprint for good governance that provides an overview of a recent review of best practice in healthcare governance and highlights the pivotal role of leadership. This article: This article, “The shadow side” provides an interesting insight into all of the informal behaviours that go on to facilitate or subvert the achievement of stated organisation goals as well as the behaviours that are essentially personally motivated but which have the effect of contributing to or undermining organisation objectives.