Support Network

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CWSS have developed a network for sharing best practice, highlighting events and webinars, and as a platform for networking and discussion for those working in the social care sector.

International Recruitment into Scottish Social Care

Join the projects LinkedIn group.

The Centre for Workforce Supply (Social Care) team would like to invite you to join the LinkedIn group ‘International Recruitment into Scottish Social Care’.  This group is intended to be the foundation of a new network of social care providers and related organisations that are interested or involved with the recruitment of overseas workers into adult social care in Scotland.

The LinkedIn group will be a shared resource that will serve as a platform for highlighting events, open resources, and the sharing of best practices.  As a member you will be able to post comments and seek answers to problems and issues that you may be facing, sharing our combined knowledge and experience.

This is a ‘closed’ group, which means that membership must be approved by the moderators, so please click on the link below and request to join.