Contact us

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You can contact the SMMDP programme team direct at NHS Education for Scotland, by using one of the following methods shown below.

Contact options
Address book icon. Book style, with dark and light blue front cover with white person shape on front, with green, orange and red tabs down the one side with black binder style to left
Phone icon - green circle with white handset in centre

Call us on:

You can call us on 0131 656 3200.

Lines are open Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 17:00.

Mailbox icon, dark envelope with red notification circle at top right with number 1 in white

Email us at: and a member of our team will reply back as soon as possible.

This mailbox is monitored Monday to Friday.

Please note that if you are locked out of your Turas account, please contact the helpdesk at  You can also click the green helpdesk button at the side of the screen if using a computer/laptop, or scroll to the bottom of this page to access the helpdesk button.  If you have tried to reset your password online and have not received your verification code, please check your junk folder, or contact the helpdesk.

Write icon - notepad shape in blue, with light blue lines.

Write to us at:

NHS Education for Scotland
SMMDP Office
West Port 102
West Port

Your feedback
Feedback icon

We hope you enjoy exploring our SMMDP site and have found it useful. We always welcome your feedback to inform ongoing development of the site.

If you have any comments, ideas, or suggestions, please email us on