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In this section you will find support resources to help you engage and use the framework.

H@H Development Framework User Guidance

The framework is designed to be used by nurses, allied health professionals, healthcare support workers, managers, and educators.

We have developed a reflective tool that can help you to identify your development needs. Take some time to review this reflecting on your current role within H@H or a role you are aspiring to have.

Here are some more tips to get you started:

  • Review the framework level that is best aligned to your current role for example if you are working as a band 5 nurse or AHP then a good starting point is level 5 practitioner.
  • Pick a pillar to focus on initially and review the knowledge and skills statements.
  • Spend some time thinking about your knowledge and skills and how confident you are that you have those attributes. Note this in the reflective tool.
  • Rate your confidence for each statement and review your choices to see where you are most confident and where you are least confident. You will now have a good idea of the areas you need to develop further. Use the reflective tool to record your thoughts.
  • Now think about the evidence you have to support your confidence rating and you may want to make a note of this in the reflective tool.
  • Where you have identified a development need consider how you would anticipate meeting this development need and any support you may need.
  • You now may want to continue to work through the other pillars or decide to concentrate on one pillar at a time. It is up to you.
  • Once you have completed your assessment it is helpful to decide which of the identified learning outcomes are most important for your personal and professional development and what you can reasonably expect to achieve during the allocated timescale – this is usually over a year to align with your PDP cycle.
  • It is recommended that you identify and agree your learning and development needs jointly with your line manager.