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Role and aim of the academies.

What are the advanced practice academies?


The Advanced Practice Academies are a multi-disciplinary body that unites Health Boards and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Scotland to support the professional development of advanced practice roles within healthcare professions and disciplines.

Role of the Academies
Role of the academies

The Advanced Practice Academies are a multi-disciplinary body that unites NHS Boards and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across Scotland to support the professional development of advanced practice roles within healthcare professions and disciplines.

The key function of the Academies is to develop a cohesive, consistent approach to advanced practice within health and care services in Scotland, focusing on the growth and maintenance of competence and capability, as well as leading on the development of new advanced roles.

The Academies operate across three Scottish regions: North, East and West. The West of Scotland Academy was established in 2017 with the East and North of Scotland Advanced Practice Academies being established in 2018. The Academies meet regularly throughout the year and are chaired by NHS Board NMAHP Directors.

Working together improves educational and clinical governance, as well as educational commissioning opportunities. Supporting ongoing professional development for all advanced practitioners whether generalist or specialist, in uni-professional advanced practice roles or in one of the increasing number of multidisciplinary roles.

Academies support advanced practice programmes at partner HEIs by providing expertise and facilitating support and supervision.

Each regional Academy has a two-tier structure. At the primary level of the academy, there is a network of support, learning and professional development for advanced practitioners across Health Boards, focusing on the clinical and professional requirements of these demanding roles, and providing opportunities for competence and capability development.

The second tier comprises a group of senior leaders from NHS Boards and HEIs, to provide an overarching view of advanced practice. This leadership/oversight group is intended to supplement any local advanced practice groups within each Health Board.

Whilst the individual Academies discuss and support regional priorities, it is recognised that there is also strength in a collaborative approach to support the advancing roles agenda for example research and provision of continuing professional development education. There are also strong links with other national groups with allied interests such as the Scottish Advanced Practice Educators Network (SAPEN).

Key contacts

North Academy chair – Kathleen Carolan

West Academy chair – Jenny Wilson

East Academy chair – Alison MacDonald