Meet the AHP practice education network

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The AHP practice education leads (AHP PELs) are employed in each health board in Scotland to support AHPs to provide high quality practice education experiences to all learners.  They work with a wide range of AHP's, from health care support workers to senior AHP leads, and will help them to develop and access a wide range of work based learning opportunities.  They also link closely with the higher education institutes (HEIs) to support practice educator training and to maintain high quality practice based learning (PrBL) experiences for AHP students.

Find your local PEL here.

NHS Ayrshire and Arran

NHS Borders

NHS Dumfries and Galloway

NHS Fife

NHS Forth Valley

NHS Grampian

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Golden Jubilee National Hospital

NHS Highland

NHS Lanarkshire

NHS Lothian

NHS Orkney

NHS Shetland

NHS State Hospital

NHS Tayside

NHS Western Isles


NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Grier McGhee: AHP Education and Quality Improvement Lead


Hours of work: Monday, Tuesday Wednesday in PEL role

Workstream focus: Overview and focus across all workstreams

Kerry Gilligan: AHP Practice Education Facilitator


Hours of work:Tuesday, Wednesday and alternate Thursdays

National Working Group Membership: Paramedics

Workstream focus: Paramedic Science undergraduates

NHS Borders
sarah florida-james AHP PEL

Sarah Florida-James, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Tuesday and Thursday

Workstream focus: Support and Supervision, Practice Based Learning


NHS Dumfries and Galloway
laura lennox AHP PEL

Laura Lennox, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri

National Working Group Membership: AHP Support and Supervision, AHP Preceptorship, AHP PrBL operational collaboration (APOC), Flying Start NHS Leads

Workstream focus: AHP Careers and Recruitment, Practice Based Learning, Supporting health and wellbeing of staff through transitions, Supporting workforce development


NHS Fife
margaret braid AHP PEL

Mig Braid, AHP Practice Education Lead 


Hours of Work: Monday -Thursday 0800-1600

National Working Group Membership : Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) and the Placement offer coordination 

Workstream focus : Input to all workstreams


  • AHP Practice based learning partnership agreements,
  • Peer Assisted Learning and other models of placement,
  • Foundation Apprenticeships,
  • Quality Standards for Practice Placement/Learning,
  • Supervision,
  • Different models of careers events,
  • A history of the AHP PEL Programme.
Alyson hutchison AHP PEL

Alyson Hutchison, AHP Practice Education Lead 

Email address:

Hours of Work: Wed morning and all day Thursday

National Working Group Membership : Paramedics and Preceptorship

Workstream focus : Paramedics


NHS Forth Valley
Claire Hedley, AHP PEL

Claire Hedley, AHP Practice Education Lead 


Hours of Work: Monday - Wednesday 0830-1630

National Working Group Membership : Support and Supervision

Workstream focus : Support and Supervision and Practice Educator development

Special interest: Use of third sector organisations to promote AHP work

Helen Patterson AHP PEL

Helen Patterson, AHP Practice Education Lead 


Hours of Work: Wednesday 0830-1630 and Thursday morning

National Working Group Membership :Placement offer coordination

Workstream focus : Paramedics and Practice Based Learning

Special interest: Paramedic placement provision and facilitation of learning workshops

NHS Grampian



valery burnett AHP PEL

Valery Burnett, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Wednesdays (plus flexible hours for EOI work)

Workstream focus: Preceptorship and EOI: PE Development

Special interest: Supporting educators within the practice setting who are, or will be, working with a student who may be underpforming or with a student where reasonable adjustments should be considered.  Supporting NQP transition to practice




anne-marie anderson

Ann-Marie Anderson: AHP Practice Education Lead


Working hours: Monday-Friday

National workstream membership: Paramedic National Working Group

Workstream focus: Specific focus on PrBL, including paramedics but covers all workstreams

Special interest: Peer assisted learning (PAL)




Julie Gillespie AHP PEL

Julie Gillespie: AHP Practice Education Lead


Working hours: 7.5 hours per week - varies to meet workload demand

National Working Group Membership: Support and Supervision

Workstream focus: Support and Supervision, Preceptorship, Return to Practice, Heathcare Support Workers

Special interest: Support and Supervision, Return to Practice, Healthcare Support Workers


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Golden Jubilee National Hospital

Additional contact details and resources: Allied Health Professions (AHP) Practice Education Team - NHSGGC

jane dudgeon, AHP PEL

Jane Dudgeon, AHP Practice Education Manager


Hours of work: Monday to Thursday

National Working Group Membership: AHP Support and Supervision

Workstream focus: Support and Supervison, Healthcare Support Workers



jennifer dick, AHP PEL

Jennifer Dick, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

National Working Group Membership: AHP Careers

Workstream focus: NHS Flying Start programme, Promotion of AHP Careers, AHP Practice Based Learning

Special interest: Completing NQP support needs scoping exercise and focus group as part of expression of interest work




sarah richardson AHP PEL

Sarah Richardson, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Monday - Thursday

National Working Group Membership: Paramedic Ways of Working, Placement Allocation

Workstream focus: Predominately Paramedic workstream but will start to become more involved with HCSW work





jillian rennie AHP PEF

Jillian Rennie, AHP Practice Education Facilitator


Working hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

National Working Group Membership: Clinical skills and simulation

Workstream focus: Supervision, Preceptorship/Newly Qualified practitioners and Clinical Skills and Simulation




elspeth lee AHP PEL

Elspeth Lee, AHP Practice Education Lead


Working hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

National Working Group Membership: Return to Practice

Workstream focus: AHP Practice Based Learning, Return to Practice, Clinical Skills








sharon dempsey

Sharon Dempsey, PA/Administrator


NHS Highland


Contact details:



mandy trickett, AHP PEL

Mandy Trickett, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

National Working Group Membership: Careers and Return to Practice

Workstream focus: Careers, Return to Practice, Practice Based Learning, Flying Start

Special interest: Digital resources for Careers events, Cancer rehabilitation, PAL placements


sarah goudie AHP PEL

Sarah Goudie, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Monday - Friday

National Working Group Membership: AHP Preceptorship and Clinical Skills and Simulation Based Learning

Workstream focus: Practice based learning (focus on Paramedics), supporting health and wellbeing of staff through transitions and supporting workforce development

Special interest: Preceptorship and Digital Solutions









NHS Lanarkshire


Contact details: 



gillian trotter AHP PEL

Gillian Trotter, AHP Practice Education Lead

Email: and

Hours of work: Wednesday - Friday

National Working Group Membership: Preceptorship & SIM

Worksteam focus: Paramedic

Special interest: Career Fellowship Alumni

Home - Allied Health Professional Practice Education Lead (PEL)



NHS Lothian
claire matheson AHP PEL

Claire Matheson, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Workstream focus: Practice Based Learning


lorna sinclair AHP Strategic PEL

Lorna Sinclair, AHP Strategic Practice Education Lead


Working hours: Monday - Friday 


amy finlayson AHP Practice Education Project Support Worker

Amy Finlayson, AHP Practice Education Project Support Worker


Hours of work: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

National Working Group Membership:

Workstream focus: Communications and digital


NHS Orkney
gina mcmahon AHP PEL

Gina McMahon, AHP PEL


Hours of work: Monday and Tuesday

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - Return to Practice workstream project

National Working Group Membership: Careers and Return to Practice

Special interest: Linking with Primary Education as I am a qualified Primary School Teacher



NHS Shetland
sarah goudie AHP PEL

Sarah Goudie, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Monday - Friday

National Working Group Membership: AHP Precptorship and Clinical Skills and simulation based learning

Workstream focus: AHP Careers and Recruitment, Practice Based Learning, Supporting health and wellbeing of staff through transitions and supporting workforce development

Special interest: Preceptorship and Digital Solutions

NHS State Hospital
frances waddell AHP Lead Dietitian

Frances Waddell, AHP Lead Dietitian


Working hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

Workstream focus: Students, post registration

NHS Tayside

Contact details:


lynne sheridan AHP PEL

Lynne Sheridan, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

National Working Group Membership: Practice Based Learning - Peer Assisted Learning (PAL), Practiced Based Learning - Practice Educator development

Workstream focus: Practice Based Learning including paramedics


michael carlin Associate Practice Educator

Mike Carlin, AHP Associate Practice Educator


Hours of work:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Workstream focus: HCSWs

fiona reid AHP Education and Teaching Lead

Fiona Reid, AHP Education and Teaching Lead


Hours of work: Monday - Friday (hours vary)

National Working Group Membership: Return to Practice, Preceptorship

Workstream focus: Return to Practice, HCSWs, international recruits, supporting workforce development

Special interest: Specialist palliative care, Interprofessional learning

Claire Curtis: AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Monday

National Working Group Membership: AHP Careers

Workstream focus: AHP careers, Support and Supervision, NQPs.


NHS Western Isles
laura o'halloran AHP PEL

Laura O'Halloran, AHP Practice Education Lead


Hours of work: Monday/Tuesday full days and Wednesday half day

National Work Group Membership: AHP Practice Based Learning, Practice Educator Preparation Preceptorship

Special interest: Technology Enhanced Learning, AHP Practice Based Learning, Preceptorship