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Aimed at those working in the NHS across Scotland, the training for the Armed Forces and Veterans’ Recognition Scheme is designed to enable primary care and secondary care healthcare professionals and their teams identify and understand the health and wellbeing impact that military life can have on their Armed Forces and Veteran community patients. 


The resources on this site have been co-produced by the Scottish Government, NHS Highland and the Defence Medical Welfare Service as well as members of the veteran community to support the implementation of the Armed Forces and Veterans’ Recognition Scheme.

The awareness gained from this training could be valuable when trying to determine the appropriate person-centred care for each patient. Other benefits include:

  • meeting the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant 
  • improving rapport with Armed Forces and Veteran community patients and their families
  • optimising resource allocation by signposting to existing Armed Forces support

If you have any ideas for further case studies, please contact 

Note: You will need to login with your Turas account to view and complete the learning programmes below:

  • General Practice Armed Forces and Veterans' Recognition Scheme
  • Secondary Care Armed Forces and Veterans' Recognition Scheme

If you do not have an account, please register for a free Turas account.

Note:  If you would like to register for the General Practice Armed Forces and Veterans Recognition Scheme, please use this form:  General Practice Armed Forces and Veterans' Recognition Scheme - Registration Form - Page 1 of 8 - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

Two Royal Air Forces pilots in the cockpit of a C17 flying over countryside as part of a practice run for the Queen's Jubilee.

Images from a 99 Squadron operated C17 as they conducted a practice Queen’s Jubilee flypast. The pass was flown over RAF College Cranwell Officers’ Mess. Photo by Cpl Matthews. UK MOD © Crown copyright 2022