Level 2 – Perioperative Support Worker

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Perioperative Support Workers work across healthcare disciplines under the direction and professional accountability of registered practitioners. The role consists mostly of clinical skills and tasks delegated from the clinical team. 

Example roles include theatre support worker and theatre healthcare support worker

Qualifications and experience expected for perioperative support worker at this level of career framework: 

  • Normally at or working towards a SCQF Level 6 health or social care related subject
  • Equivalent experience and knowledge can be demonstrated using recognition of prior learning 
  • Numeracy and literacy qualifications are desirable at this level of practice  
  • IT / computer literacy desirable at this level of practice

Examples of SCQF level 6 programmes include:

Perioperative Career and Education Frameworks

The Career Development Framework for the Perioperative Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professions (NMaHP) Workforce aims to provide an infrastructure to support the career development, and the learning and development needs of perioperative workforce. This framework is underpinned by the Career Framework for Health.   

Support Worker Central 

Available on TURAS this site supports the development of nursing, midwifery and allied health professions Support Workers, working across all care settings in Scotland.   

Turas Professional Portfolio (RPL)  

Available to all Support Workers who wish to use as an individual educational Portfolio to record evidence of their learning. The Portfolio can be used to assist Support Workers to record evidence of learning from experience gained in the workplace and through life experience, support access to courses, gaining learning credits and think about career progression. 


If you are interested in a career as a perioperative support worker visit NHS Careers  Scotland 

Learn more about becoming a healthcare support worker from NHS Education for Scotland's Healthcare Support Worker Careers Guidance leaflet.