Smile4Life Learner's Section

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Resources for Learners's

Don’t Give Up on Us – Illustrated Story

Don't Give Up On Us

This comic is based on three events with young people, practitioners from health and social care sectors, policy makers, and researchers, who came together to have an open discussion on how services and practitioners could engage young people and sustain relationships with them. The comic is designed to pose questions about the experiences of receiving and delivering services, and it is hoped that young people and practitioners will use it to prompt discussion about the multiple challenges we all face in trying to reduce and eventually eliminate youth homelessness.

Young People at Home

Helping Young People Feel at Home in Scotland 

This programme has been pivotal in elevating the voices of young people with lived experience, a key element in ensuring their views and thoughts are reflected in policy and practice and in creating an empowering environment where young people feel included, listened to and trusted. Helping young people feel at home is everybody’s responsibility.

Oral Health and Public Engagement - Comic

Oral Health and Public Engagement 

This comic is designed to provide insights on ways to engage with these different stakeholders and impact people's lives policies and practises. The comic explores the challenges and the joy experienced by our team when engaging the public with our work.