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The commissioning of digital learning resources to be developed by an external organisation must follow organisational procurement guidelines and the company must adhere to the NES Quality Guidelines for Digital Learning Resources.

About this guideline

When commissioning digital learning resources from external organisations, the NES Procurement Team need to be involved. The Procurement Team has developed specification templates to be used in all cases. There is a template for eLearning and one for videos/ animations. The eLearning specification template was developed with the eLearning team and the video/animation template with the NES Design Team.  The eLearning and Design Teams will provide support to complete the templates.  All providers need to meet the NES Quality Guidelines for Digital Learning Resources.

Who is this guideline for?

This Guideline is relevant to NES staff involved in commissioning digital learning resources. Staff in other health and social care organisations should refer to their local procurement guidelines. 

What types of resources does this guideline apply to?

Any learning resources commissioned from external companies or organisations. This most commonly includes: 

eLearning modules  


Number one surrounded by a blue circle

Contact the eLearning team or Design team to discuss requirements and to agree if commissioning the resource is the preferred approach. 

Number two surrounded by a blue circle

Complete the specification template provided by the eLearning team or Design team. This signposts the Guidelines that providers must adhere to with regard to accessibility, design, technical requirements and maintenance.

Number three surrounded by a blue circle

Identify indicative budget available. This will dictate the complexity of the resource and level of interactivity.

Number four surrounded by a blue circle

Identify the tender evaluation panel to include members of the project team, a technical adviser from NES Technology Service or Design team and a member of the Procurement team.