Psychological therapies

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Education in psychological therapies is provided in partnership with the South of Scotland CBT Programme, University of West of Scotland, University of Edinburgh, Mindfulness CBT Scotland, and MBT Scotland. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help people manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave. CBT has a good evidence base for a wide range of mental health problems in adults, older adults, children and young people. CBT is recommended for the treatment of anxiety, depression, obsessional compulsive disorder, schizophrenia & psychosis and bipolar affective disorder.

Training opportunities:

Postgraduate CBT courses (Adult & Older Adult CBT)

Background: NES Psychology fund places for NHS Scotland staff on postgraduate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training courses in order to ensure a supply of appropriately trained CBT therapists across NHS Scotland. The postgraduate course are provided at Certificate Level (year 1) and Diploma level (year 2). Funded places are agreed on a yearly basis i.e. we will only agree the Certificate level at the outset; if the member of staff wants to go on to do the Diploma year, they will need to express interest for this in the following year (or later on if they decide not to progress on to the Diploma straight away).

Staff nomination process: Expressions of interests are submitted via the Board PTTCs (Psychological Therapy Training Coordinators) to ensure that the places are allocated to the appropriate staff who will then go on to deliver CBT in the Boards once trained. Expressions of Interest templates are sent out to the Boards by Anne Joice (though she may look for support with this process likely in July/August). Staff need put forward for the course each year i.e. it is not a guarantee that all currently on the Certificate course (year 1) will go on to be supported for the Diploma year 2.

If you would like more information on the Postgraduate CBT courses (Adult & Older Adult CBT) please contact 


Bespoke Mental Health 

Bespoke Mental Health offer a variety of CPD events for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) provider's: CPD for CBT therapists | Turas | Learn (

Please note the CPD programme is available to staff who deliver CBT within the Scottish NHS and partnership organisations who meet the following criteria:

  • Provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (as defined in the ‘The Matrix: A guide to delivering evidence-based psychological therapies in Scotland 2014’)
  • Have a recognised qualification in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Participate in CBT clinical supervision
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) is an evidence-based therapy, which was originally developed as a treatment for moderate to severe depression. Treatment is offered for a variety of psychiatric disorders and for a wide range of patients from children, adolescents to the elderly. It is a time-limited psychotherapy that focuses on interpersonal issues, which are understood to be a factor in the genesis and maintenance of psychological distress and illness.

Training opportunities:

  • IPT is a time limited, manualised treatment that has an established evidence base for the treatment of Depression and Eating Disorders for adolescents and adults, it is recognised in both recent NICE and SIGN guidelines for the treatment of Depression. It is also recommended in the ‘The Matrix- A Guide to Delivering Evidenced–based Psychological Therapies in Scotland’ for Social Anxiety, Depression and Eating Disorders. The main aim of this programme is to establish and increase the training and supervision resource for IPT across all Health Boards in Scotland. At present some areas have several practitioners and supervisors while others have little or none (see map). Please click the following link for more information: ipt-poster.pdf (
IPT Poster
Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT)

MBT aims to improve individuals’ ability to work out what they, as well as others, might be thinking and feeling, and what their intentions might be. The idea is that this should improve one’s ability to manage their emotions, thereby reducing suffering through, e.g. improving their relationships with others, reducing self-harming and suicidal thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Training opportunities:

  • MBT basic training: This is a 3 day online learning event led by experienced MBT Scotland tutors accredited by the Anna Freud Centre. It will cover a variety of theoretial and practical topics and consist of didactic materials and role-plays. It will provide learners with a set of knowledge and skills to improve the treatment of patients with a diagnosis of personality disorder.
  • MBT Practitioner training: This is a 2 day online learning event led by experienced MBT Scotland tutors accredited by the Anna Freud Centre. It will cover a variety of theoretial and practical topics and consist of didactic materials and role-plays. It will provide learners with more knowledge and skills to improve the treatment of patients with a diagnosis of personality disorder. It builds on the foundation provided by the MBT Basic Course.

Please contact for training dates and course flyer to find out more information and the booking process.

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based Psychological Therapy which significantly decreases the relapse rates in depression, and is one of the recommended treatments in ‘The Matrix: A Guide to Delivering Evidence-based Psychological Therapies in Scotland’, (Scottish Government Health Department 2015).