Core psychological interventions for psychosis

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This training has been developed for qualified multi-disciplinary staff working in adult and older adult mental health settings, who have a keyworker role and are working with people who experience psychosis. The Turas Learn Learning programme ‘Psychosocial interventions for psychosis’ are recovery focused, map onto the UCL CORE Competency Frameworks for severe and enduring mental health problems and focus on developing the ‘therapeutic stance, values and assumptions’ competencies for psychosis. The training has been co-produced with people who have lived experience of psychosis and is available on Turas Learn.

Psychosocial interventions for psychosis homepage

For more information, trainer resources and hear from the team visit the psychosis homepage: Psychosocial interventions for psychosis | Turas | Learn (

Training opportunities

Within adult mental health NES provide an e-learning programme in support of psychosocial interventions for psychosis training:

You will be required to complete the appropriate e-learning programme prior to training. 

Please contact your local PTTC for training dates and course flyer to find out more information and the booking process.

Click on the link below for more information and complete the application form to access the e-learning programme.