Core psychological interventions for eating disorders

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This education programme aims to develop skills for working with adults with eating pathology, using evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders (CBT-ED). The programme is targeted at multidisciplinary staff who have a recognised qualification in CBT and will introduce attendees to the competences and meta-competences needed to deliver evidence-based CBT for eating disorders for adults with the full range of diagnoses. It will outline and demonstrate key skills for addressing the core cognitive, emotional and behavioural elements of those eating disorders, including body image issues.

Training opportunities
CBT for eating disorders

CBT-T: Skills needed to deliver a brief, evidence-based therapy for non-underweight eating disorders.


These two days aim to train you in the skills needed to deliver CBT-T - a 10-session evidence-based therapy for adults and older adolescents with non-underweight eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and atypical anorexia nervosa. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own cases for discussion. The principles of CBT-T and the evidence base will be outlined, and then the remainder of the two days will be dedicated to explaining the skills needed to address problematic eating, emotional triggers to eating behaviours, 'habit-based' eating. and body image. Key skills will be demonstrated live and using video role-plays. Many of the skills (e.g., exposure, behavioural experiments, addressing core beliefs) will be familiar to those who have experience in delivering CBT for other disorders. The days will end with consideration of relapse prevention, planning for future clinical work, and an outline of recent developments in CBT-T. Finally, questions and further case discussion will be encouraged.

Learning outcomes

  1. Develop an understanding of the key skills needed to work with eating disorders in a CBT framework
  2. Develop skills of working within a protocol, while still responding flexibly to the individual patient.
  3. Monitoring personal clinical outcomes, and using them to enhance future therapy

Target audience

Clinicians from a range of professional backgrounds and different levels of experience, working with individuals with eating disorders in specialist and non-specialist clinical settings.


You will require a Portal account to apply, please visit NHS Education for Scotland Portal to register. Please contact your local PTTC for training dates and information.

Cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders (CBT-ED): Skills for working with adults with a range of eating disorder presentations


These two days will introduce you to the range of skills needed to work with the full range of underweight and non-underweight adults with eating disorders. We will begin with an outline of the evidence and the different evidence-based CBT-ED models that are available (including work in outpatient and more intensive settings), Then we will focus on core therapeutic skills - engagement, risk assessment and management; clinical assessment; formulation; working alliance; nutrition and exposure therapy; weight regain; cognitive change; emotional approaches; body image work; and ending therapy well. After that, we will address cases brought by the trainer and the attendees, using role plays where possible. It is important that attendees should have experience in working with such cases, and be prepared to discuss and role play them in small groups and in the main room.

Learning outcomes

  1. Develop an understanding of the key skills needed to work with eating disorders in a CBT framework
  2. Experience the application of those skills
  3. Plan for future development of skills for working with eating disorders.

Target audience

Clinicians with experience of working psychologically with individuals with eating disorders in specialist and non-specialist clinical settings, and with case material to discuss.


You will require a Portal account to apply, please visit NHS Education for Scotland Portal to register. Please contact your local PTTC for training dates and information.