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Updated version of the International Classification of Diseases.


ICD-11 is the updated version of the International Classification of Diseases, developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and implemented for the use by mental health clinicians in Scotland on 1 November 2022. 

Chapter 6 of the ICD-11 contains the Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Requirements (CDDR) of all Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (MBND). 

Scotland hopes the implementation of ICD-11 is an opportunity to improve both mental health data and the diagnostic experience for people who provide and use services. Its introduction is relevant to all mental health service providers and users. 


Note: You will need to login with your Turas account to view and complete the eLearning module below:

  • Chapter 6 of the ICD-11 (mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders)

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Supporting learning resources
Animation for patients, carers and families

An animation has been developed to provide information for patients, families and carers on what ICD-11 is and what it means. You may find it helpful to view this animation or to signpost patients to this.

Direct Vimeo link: