Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship cohort 13 posters
The aim of the project is to increase the number of patients, or their carers, consulted during the medicines reconciliation and increase their satisfaction in this process in ARU4 of the QEUH by 25% by August 2022.
To increase the proportion of home visits done by a wider primary care urgent care team to 25% by May 2022.
To embed a digital platform to manage weekend patient reviews and discharges in Antrim Medicine by August 2022
To increase the percentage of team members in our older peoples ward who report their shift as good or OK to 90% in 6 months.
To improve communication between midwives and health visitors for families indentified as having additional care needs in early pregnancy
To increase day 1 mobilisation rate to >80% by August 2022
By Spring 2023, repeat unplanned admissions for patients with moderate or severe frailty with a previous acute (<48 hours) unplanned ED attendance will be reduced by 20%
Within the 1st of September 2022, 90% of the patients at the Outpatient Service of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Tromsø will receive an Optimal Treatment Plan.
To increase reliability of NEWS2 score and frequency by 50% by July 2022
To achieve >80% of side rooms to be turned over in 120 minutes by 30th June 2022.
80% of IDLs completed and sent to the care home on transfer from CCHC by October 2022.
Improve delirium recognition so 95% of patients in the intensive care unit have twice daily CAM-ICU assessments completed and recorded by 3 months.
50% reduction in perceived stress levels using a collaborative approach over 6 months
60% of New People Entering HMP Maghaberry will have a Supportive Encounter with a Peer Mentor by Oct 2022
By January 2023, 100% of RQIA acute hospital inspections will be intelligence-led
To improve the neurodevelopmental outcome of preterm infants born at <30 weeks by preventing neurological injury, protecting the preterm brain and promoting normal brain development through neuroprotective care.
To include 90 % of all patients receiving immunotherapy, reduce severe adverse events by 30 % and involve patients more actively in their own treatment
To utilise user feedback to increase use and improve experience of Professional to Professional decision support discussions between ambulance and hospital clinicians
By July 1st 2022 N-PASS will be used to assess all admitted neonates for pain, agitation and sedation in our tertiary NICU
Reduce the time from door to iv access in the ED by 50% in patients with DIVA.
Reduce emergency CS for delay in 1st stage in the induction group by 10% by January 2023.
To reduce unnecessary re-admission rates for postpartum endometritis by 50% within a year from project start
To reduce time on Recovery with 20% by September 2022
All medical staff job planned according to TSP principals to match priority demand by Aug 22
Our Aim: To archive 85 % of all DNT with in 45 minutes
• Within eight weeks, we aim to increase the number of pain assessments being carried out by 50% and to have 90% of participating residents assessed each week. • Within six months, we aim to demonstrate improved quality of life of care home...
By the end of June 2022, 20% of consultations at the oncology unit at Bærum Hospital should be video consultations
By October 2022 there will have been a multidisciplinary discussion on 80% of frail older people within 24 hours of admission