FAQs and further reading

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Background and further reading relating to the National Centre development

Further Reading

Abelsen, Strasser, R., Heaney, D., Berggren, P., Sigurðsson, S., Brandstorp, H., Wakegijig, J., Forsling, N., Moody-Corbett, P., Akearok, G. H., Mason, A., Savage, C., & Nicoll, P. (2020). Plan, recruit, retain: a framework for local healthcare organizations to achieve a stable remote rural workforce. Human Resources for Health, 18(1), 63–63. [Open access].

Allbutt, Colthart, I., El-Farargy, N., Sturgeon, C., Vallis, J., & Lough, M. (2017). Understanding supervision in health and social care through the experiences of practitioners in Scotland. Journal of Integrated Care (Brighton, England), 25(2), 120–130. [Knowledge Network login required].

Cunningham, Ward, C., Kyle, J., & Yeoman, L. (2021). Learning needs, preferred learning methods and learning challenges of first five general practitioners in NHS Scotland: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 11(5), e044859–e044859. [Open access].

Danish, Blais, R., & Champagne, F. (2019). Strategic analysis of interventions to reduce physician shortages in rural regions. Rural and Remote Health, 19(4), 5466–5466. 

Doshi. (2020). Improving leadership of health services in rural areas: Exploring traits and characteristics. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 13(S1), 183–191. [Knowledge Network login required].

Fergusson, & Teasdale, E. (2022). Remote and rural surgery training and recruitment: a national attitudinal survey of Scottish surgical trainees. Rural and Remote Health, 22(2), 7090–7090.

Gomes, Murray, E., & Raftery, J. (2022). Economic Evaluation of Digital Health Interventions: Methodological Issues and Recommendations for Practice. PharmacoEconomics, 40(4), 367–378.

Iqbal, Thompson, L., & Wilson, P. (2021). Patient satisfaction with general practice in urban and rural areas of Scotland. Rural and Remote Health, 21(4), 6634–6634.

MacKay, Smith, A., Kyle, R. G., & Beattie, M. (2021). What influences nurses' decisions to work in rural and remote settings? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research. Rural and Remote Health, 21(1), 6335–6335. [Open access].

Maclaren, Cleland, J., Locock, L., Skea, Z., Denison, A., Hollick, R., Murchie, P., & Wilson, P. (2022). Understanding recruitment and retention of doctors in rural Scotland: Stakeholder perspectives. The Geographical Journal, 188(2), 261–276. [Open access].

Stewart, Gibson-Smith, K., Cunningham, S., Pfleger, S., & Rushworth, G. (2018). A qualitative study of the perspectives of older people in remote Scotland on accessibility to healthcare, medicines and medicines-taking. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 40(5), 1300–1308. [Open access].