Training Portfolio

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VT Training Portfolio: The collection of information to evidence an achievement of satisfactory completion of the training year.

Access to Training Portfolio


Turas Training Portfolio 

As you progress throughout the training year, your LEPs, reflections and achievements will be collected within an online account. 

This collection will be your bank of evidence that is evaluated at the end of Vocational Training and will support your trainer's statement to agree satisfactory completion has been met.

Portfolio has been designed to allow you to record and share your learning, reflections and achievements as part of your career journey in the NHS in Scotland.


Turas Training Portfolio Walkthrough

Below is a video walkthrough for all new trainees to help you navigate the Turas Training Portfolio system.

This is also available as a PDF user guide below.

2024-2025 Assessment Deadlines

Important Dates

Dental Vocational Training Assessment Dates

Guidance on Assessment

Information on assessment for Dental Vocational Practitioners

Helpful resources

Turas Portfolio User Guide (for Trainees)

User guidance for all functions of the VT Training Portfolio which includes screenshots.

Getting started with Turas Portfolio

An overview of the requirements in the first two weeks of training. This resource will guide you through the Initial Training Agreement and Clinical experience checklist.

Turas Portfolio Training Grid

Details of who does what and when. This information includes the location of each form.

How to export PDF to PDF

How to download your portfolio

Step by step instructions on how to download and save your portfolio.

Add a photo to your portfolio for evidence

Step by step instructions on how to add photographs to your portfolio evidence.

Minimum VDP Engagement with Turas Training Portfolio

Detailed list of the minimum expected engagement by VDPs with the various sections of Turas Training Portfolio including reflections, logs and reviews.

Dental Assessment Unit (DAU)



The DAU deals with all assessment queries and issues. They are there to support you with any questions or issues you may have in relation to Assessment as a whole, including the use of the Turas Training Portfolio.




Amanda Dean 

Senior Administration Officer


Gavin McMillan 

Administration Officer