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Explanation of new legislation expanding those authorised to certify fit notes.

Change in Legislation

From 1 July 2022, legislation changed to allow more healthcare professionals to certify fit notes to patients. This delivers on commitments made in the ‘Health is Everyone’s Business’ consultation response to improve the use of the fit note and recognise the importance of keeping people in work. This legislation change applies across England, Scotland and Wales.

Previously only doctors could certify fit notes, DWP changed the legislation to allow a further four professions to do this. These professions are:

  • Nurses
  • Occupational therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Pharmacists

This recognises the valuable role other professions have to play in providing health and work advice and supporting people to remain in work where possible.  It is not expected that everybody working within these professions should issue fit notes. Professionals should be working in a suitable environment and have the necessary skills and training to have work and health conversations with patients. This task needs to be within their professional ‘scope of practice’, therefore new guidance and training has been developed which will help professionals to identify if this task is suitable for them.

Fit Note training has been developed by HEE and can be accessed on: and can be found under the programmes tab.

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